Archives constitute the memory of nations and societies, shape their identity, and are a cornerstone of the information society. By providing evidence of actions and transactions, archives support administration and underlie the rights of...
Digitization Is Not Digital Preservation – Digital Preservation Coalition (
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is a UK-based non-profit that works with global partners to provide the necessary resources to educate various public and private entities on the best practices for long term digital preservation.
Library Juice Academy Certificate in Digital Curation
The Library Juice Academy Certificate in Digital Curation is designed for those working in libraries, archives and museums interested in learning more about and expanding their skillset in curating and maintaining unique digital assets. This...
Australasia Preserves
Australasia Preserves is a digital preservation community of practice for Australia, New Zealand, and the broader Australasian region.
Digital Preservation Coalition
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) is a UK-based non-profit that works with global partners to provide the necessary resources to educate various public and private entities on the best practices for long term digital preservation.