Tag: best practice

Copyright Fact Sheets

The Australian Copyright Council has created some useful factsheets. There are over 100 in total. We’ve curated the top 10 we think are most useful to preservation and digitisation.

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Digitizing special formats

The Digital Library Federation (DLF) has compiled a wiki page of resources for the benefit of cultural heritage professionals planning projects involving the digitization of rare and unique cultural heritage materials.

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Digital Curation Centre (DCC) resources

The Digital Curation Centre (DCC) provides a broad range of resources including online tools, guidance and training on how to store, manage, protect and share digital research data. How-to Guides provide working-level knowledge of curation topics....

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Library of Congress Digital Preservation resources

Examples of the many tools, publications and best practices documents that have been incubated and developed by the Library of Congress (LC) under the guidance of the NDIIPP (National Digital Information and Preservation Program) program can be...

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