Queen Victoria’s Royal visit to Dublin, Ireland, 4th April – 26th April, 1900: a collection gem from QUT Digital Collections

by | Jun 26, 2023 | Blogs, Digitisation, General, Preservation

Robert August Henry L’Estrange took this image and another twenty one when he was in Dublin in April 1900. Queen Victoria, then aged eighty paid her last visit to Dublin, on what was nicknamed the “Boer War Tour” as army recruitment was down and new blood to fight the war in South Africa was needed. The Catholic hierarchy opposed the visit. However, the public was delighted by a general holiday, and trams were “crammed to suffocation” according to reports.

From April 4 to 26, Victoria, two daughters plus grandchildren visited schools and hospitals. The spectacular Phoenix Park military review on The Fifteen Acres was watched by 200,000 people, and the park deer added their own march past. To see more including Queen Victoria’s diary of the time please see: https://digitalcollections.qut.edu.au/4115/


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